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Stomping Out The Pavement Ants In Las Vegas


You can’t escape ants, not even in the Las Vegas heat! Many different types of ants can invade homes, and if you don’t know what you’re dealing with, it can cost you. Ants cost the country hundreds of millions of dollars each year and your valuable time. 

If you want to stay a step ahead of the infestation, reach out to a  Las Vegas pest control company for an inspection. The right team can help keep you in the clear, from carpenter ants to pavement ants. Keep reading if you want to know how best to eradicate them from your Las Vegas home.

Do Pavement Ants Bite?

One of the first steps for ant control in Las Vegas is identifying the problem. It can seem complicated because ants can all look the same, especially when they come indoors. However, ants are unique in their behaviors, even if their motivations are similar. 

If you have carpenter ants, you’ll need to know how to get rid of ants in the house quickly, as it can become a time-sensitive problem. Pavement ants are more nuisance ants than anything. They can not bite and are generally not aggressive. However, pavement ants can sting if they are handled or threatened.

Do Pavement Ants Cause Structural Damage?

Some types of ants can cause structural damage. This is the leading reason homeowners should look into how to get rid of ants. Although, structural damage is not the only reason homeowners should be concerned for. Pavement ants do not cause structural damage, but they can still cause harm around your home. They are generally a nuisance that can spread quickly around your home and attract other pests. 

Pavement ants can contaminate your food prep areas and pantry with their numbers. Furthermore, the pests they can attract can inflict more damage than pavement ants can deal alone. When the problem gets out of hand, you shouldn’t wait around for bad things to happen. Call in the pros.

Natural Ways To Deter Pavement Ants In Las Vegas

The best kind of ant control solutions begins with outdoor ant control. If you know what prevention steps to take, then you can help combat your home against infestations. Here are five natural ways to deter pavement ants around your home:

  1. Spreading diatomaceous earth around your foundation.
  2. Spraying cayenne pepper and lemon water.
  3. Make a homemade vinegar spray to use on nesting areas.
  4. Keep your lawn mowed and the grass cut short.
  5. Clean up any food scraps from your patio.

There are many ways you can fight back against pests in your yard with preventative steps. If you keep up with it every so often, you can better protect your home. A professional team can help you with long-lasting ant prevention when you’re ready to end the infestation.

How To Eradicate A Pavement Ant Infestation

If you want the best pest control for ants, the only clear option is to give our team at Kiwi Pest Control a call. A professional team can ensure that your ant infestation is thoroughly eradicated. Our team at Kiwi Pest Control will even follow up to ensure that your problem does not return. 

Ant infestations can be challenging to deal with, but that won’t stop us. We work to give you back your peace of mind, and with our talented team, you can rest easy. Give us a call to talk to our friendly techs and learn more about our service options. So reach out to Kiwi Pest Control today and let our team take it from here!